words and music Kevin R. Thompson
v1. When my strength is gone, I just can’t carry on
The walls are caving in; I feel the pull of sin
When the pressure grows, sometimes I’m lost and cold
On the edge of no control, I remember who holds my hand.
Ch. There is peace in the midst of the raging waves
Peace in the midst of the hurricane
Peace no matter what my eyes may see.
Peace be still in me, peace be still in me.
v2. The Young girl tries to hide, this life that grows inside
This unexpected child she has.
There’s a choice to make, this baby’s life’s at stake
Will you help her find her way?
And tell her there’s…
Br. As we go through life ,searching to do what’s right
Ever pressing toward the mark.
Each and everyday, pressures come our way
When we face them we can say…